Wii U eShop
·《塞尔达传说:风之杖HD(The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD)》 $34.99
·《超级大金刚:热带寒流(Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze)》 $34.99
·《皮克敏3(Pikmin 3)》 $38.99
·《神奇101(The Wonderful 101)》 $19.49
·《雷曼:传奇(Rayman Legends)》 $19.99
·《蘑菇队长:宝藏追踪者(Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker)》 $27.99
·《饥荒:巨人版(Don\'t Starve: Giant Edition)》 $7.49
·《特斯拉学徒(Teslagrad)》 $7.49
·《桑塔与海盗的诅咒(Shantae and the Pirate\'s Curse)》 $9.99
·《像素大冒险(Adventures of Pip )》 $7.49
·《拉车小情侣(Chariot)》 $7.49
·《永不孤单(Never Alone)》 $5.99
·《蒸汽世界(SteamWorld Dig)》 $4.99
·《光之子(Child of Light)》 $7.49
·《三位一体2:导演剪辑版(Trine 2: Directors Cut)》 $9.99
·《小小炼狱火(Little Inferno)》 $4.99
·《泥土突变体豪华版(Mutant Mudds Deluxe)》 $4.99
·《尖叫猫咪与他的卧轨小伙伴(Scram Kitty and his Buddy on Rails)》 $4.99
·《推推世界(Pushmo World)》 $4.99
·《平衡的艺术(Art of Balance)》 $4.49
·《手指画线(Blek )》 $2.99
·《星之卡比Wii(Kirby\'s Return to Dream Land )》 $12.99
·《星际火狐:指挥官(Star Fox Command)》 $4.99
·《马里奥高尔夫(Mario Golf)》 $4.99
·《银河战士:融合(Metroid Fusion)》 $4.79
3DS eShop
·《火焰纹章 觉醒(Fire Emblem: Awakening )》 $27.99
·《怪物猎人4G(Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate)》 $23.99
·《新·光神话 帕鲁迪娜之镜(Kid Icarus: Uprising)》 $24.49
·《大金刚国度:回归3D(Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D )》 $20.99
·《路易鬼屋:暗黑之月(Luigi\'s Mansion: Dark Moon)》 $27.99
·《马里奥高尔夫:世界巡回(Mario Golf: World Tour)》 $20.99
·《逆转裁判(Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy)》 $20.09
·《符文工坊4(Rune Factory 4)》 $19.99
·《桑塔与海盗的诅咒(Shantae and the Pirate\'s Curse)》 $9.99
·《苍穹雷霆Gunvolt(Azure Striker Gunvolt)》 $7.50
·《BoxBoy! 》 $3.49
·《拉落(Crashmo)》 $4.49
·《蒸汽世界(SteamWorld Dig)》 $4.99
·《闪电十一人(Inazuma Eleven)》 $9.99
·《1001颗钉子(1001 Spikes )》 $9.99
·《荒野老城 DX(Retro City Rampage: DX)》 $4.99
·《3D刺猬索尼克(3D Sonic the Hedgehog)》 $2.99
·《3D Out Run》 $4.19 ·《Siesta Fiesta》 $2.99
·《泥土突变(Mutant Mudds)》 $4.49
·《马里奥和大金刚 迷你行动(Mario and Donkey Kong: Minis on the Move)》 $6.49
·《Punch-Out!! Featuring Mr. Dream》 $2.49
·《银河战士》 $2.49
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